An innovative space to support breastfeeding mums and their families opened in Middlesbrough at the end of April, and has been paving the way for breastfeeding-friendly venues ever since.
Baby Café is a network of over 50 breastfeeding drop-in support groups across the UK, but the Middlesbrough branch is the first of its kind in the North East and is a great port of call for free support, with weekly drop-in sessions for local breastfeeding mothers and anyone that would like more information about breastfeeding.
It is a safe and inclusive environment that is ran completely by women where no question is too 'out there.'
Due to recent funding cuts, it has been reported that 60% of women gave up breastfeeding because there was a lack of support available for them, so a cafe of this kind could be a lifeline to a woman seeking advice.
Allison Thambyrajah, the Middlesbrough Baby Cafe facilitator, has been an NCT (National Childbirth Trust) Breastfeeding Councillor for 17 years, and has witnessed the effect that the recent funding cuts have had on breastfeeding services.
She said, "Middlesbrough and Stockton both used to have breastfeeding peer support programmes and a good number of breastfeeding drop ins.
"In Stockton, there are no breastfeeding drop ins run by skilled practitioners and Middlesbrough’s peer support programme was stopped, along with a number of breastfeeding support drop ins. So over about 2 years ago I started offering breastfeeding support at the NCT Bumps and Babies and NCT Togglers.
"It was clear there was a real need in Stockton and Middlesbrough for a regular drop in with a qualified practitioner."
However, you absolutely do not need to have a problem with breastfeeding to go along to the cafe, and many mothers visit to spend time in a relaxed, informal atmosphere with other breastfeeding mums.
Along with the advice from practitioners, there is a comfortable space with an area for toddlers to play and refreshments every week, so it's a brilliant place to be able to share experiences with other like-minded women.
As Allison said, it was clear that a service of this kind was very much needed in the area and she finds the cafe to be busy every week.
"Although we only launched on 20 April this year we are always busy and it has been warmly welcomed by the families of Middlesbrough."
Thankfully, it looks as though this service will continue on into the future, as Allison explains, "we applied for funding from Public Health Middlesbrough and received a grant which enables us to run a weekly drop in for a year and provide refreshments and skilled support to the Middlesbrough community."
Councillor Julia Rostron, Middlesbrough Council’s Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, said: “Breastfeeding plays a hugely important role in a child’s early development, so it’s essential that we do everything we can to increase its uptake and continuance.
“The Baby Café is a great addition to our local public health provision and I know mums will welcome the ability to access support and share experiences in a relaxed environment.”
Stockton will also be opening its very own Baby Cafe after receiving funding, so we will share an opening date when the information is released.
Middlesbrough’s Baby Café is in the Live Well Centre in Dundas House, Dundas Shopping Arcade, Middlesbrough, TS1 1JA every Friday from 10AM-12PM.
See more from them on Facebook or their Baby Cafe page.