Well, what a week it's been!
As many of you know, this website was part of our final project for university, so it was only going to be live and active for a week.
However, we've had so much positive feedback in regards to the site and all of the topics we've been talking about, which is kind of hard to ignore.
It would be a shame for something that people have really enjoyed and interacted with to just disappear off the face of the earth, so we are really hoping that we can bring Tees and Cake back in the future.
But for now, we'd really like to say a massive thank you to you all!
Whether you stumbled upon this website by accident or were one of the religious readers that came back almost every day (yep, we can see you!)
Whether you actively liked and shared absolutely everything we posted on Facebook, or just gave us the odd thumbs up.
Whether you were a retweeter, someone who messaged with an idea for an article or one of the people that we interviewed...
Every single one of you has helped to make this experience really fun and worthwhile.
We hope you've taken something away from Tees and Cake and we'll see what happens in the future!
P.S. it would be ridiculously helpful if you could fill out this survey. It will only take a couple of minutes, but will be really helpful for when we write the evaluation for this project. Every answer is much appreciated!